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Installation of the development environment

This document explains how to install your development environment. It can be setup with or without Docker, depending on your preferences.


This document uses the repositories of the FusionSuite GitHub organization. If you plan to contribute to the project, you should prefer to fork the backend and frontend repositories and adapt the git clone commands with your forks.

Conventions used in this document

  • commands starting by # must be executed by the root user;
  • commands starting by $ must be executed by your normal user.

Without Docker

This guide has been made and tested for:

  • Debian 11 (Bullseye)
  • MariaDB
  • Nginx

Other systems should work as well, but you may have to adapt some commands.

FusionSuite also works and is tested with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

Install the package dependencies

Install the dependencies with the following command:

# apt install git curl composer php8.1-fpm php8.1-mysql php8.1-xml nginx mariadb-server

Configure MariaDB


Please note the instructions in this section don't secure the access to MariaDB. If you need it, please follow the instructions for administrators.

Login to MariaDB with the root user (it has no passwords by default):

# mariadb -u root

In this shell, create a new database for FusionSuite. The following commands create a database named fusionsuite_development and create a user fusionsuite (with password fusionsuite) with full access to it:

CREATE DATABASE fusionsuite_development;
CREATE USER 'fusionsuite'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'fusionsuite';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON fusionsuite_development.* TO 'fusionsuite'@'localhost';

Install and configure the backend

Clone the backend repository at a location where you and the www-data user have access (e.g. /var/www/fusionsuite):

# mkdir /var/www/fusionsuite
# chown 1000:1000 /var/www/fusionsuite
$ # Then, with your normal user:
$ git clone /var/www/fusionsuite/backend


You might have to adapt the second command with the user and group ids of your normal user.

Then, in the backend/ directory, install the composer dependencies:

$ cd /var/www/fusionsuite/backend
$ make install

Setup your system (i.e. create a configuration file and initialize your database):

$ make setup

This command accepts few parameters, for instance (these are the default values):

$ make setup ENV_NAME=development \
    DB_TYPE=MariaDB \
    DB_HOST=localhost \
    DB_NAME=fusionsuite_development \
    DB_USER=fusionsuite \
    DB_PASS=fusionsuite \

Configure Nginx

You now have to configure Nginx to serve the backend. Create a new file named /etc/nginx/sites-available/fusionsuite.conf:

server {
    listen 8000;
    listen [::]:8000;

    server_name localhost;
    root /var/www/fusionsuite/backend/public;
    index index.html index.php;

    location / {
        fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php$fastcgi_script_name;
        include         fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_pass    unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;

        add_header      Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always;
        add_header      X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
        add_header      Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        add_header      Access-Control-Allow-Methods 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE';
        add_header      Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true;
        add_header      Access-Control-Allow-Headers 'Origin,Content-Type,Accept,Authorization,Cache-Control,Pragma,Expires';
        add_header      Access-Control-Expose-Headers 'X-Total-Count,Content-Range,Link';


By default, in development, the frontend expects to find the backend at localhost:8000. It is also possible to specify a custom URL for the backend, it will be explained how below.


You can check your configuration is correct with the command nginx -t.

Then, enable this configuration:

# ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/fusionsuite.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/fusionsuite.conf
# systemctl reload nginx

The backend should now be accessible at localhost:8000.

You can check the database is correctly configured at localhost:8000/v1/status. If it’s correct, it will return the following Json:


Install and configure the frontend

Clone the frontend repository next to the backend repository:

$ git clone /var/www/fusionsuite/frontend

Install nvm so you can easily install and manage different versions of Node.js:

$ curl -o- | bash
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ nvm install 16


The last command installs the version 16 of Node.js. You can replace 16 by node to get the latest version, or by a specific version if you need it.

Then, install Yarn:

$ npm install --location=global yarn

Install the Node dependencies:

$ cd /var/www/fusionsuite/frontend
$ make install


If you've configured the backend at a different location than localhost:8000, create a src/config.json file:

$ cp src/config.sample.json src/config.json

And adapt the backendUrl value.

Finally, start the frontend:

$ make start

When it's ready, the frontend should be accessible at localhost:4200.

If everything is fine, you should see a login form. The default credentials are: admin / admin.

With Docker

If you prefer to setup your environment with Docker, please make sure to install Docker Engine and Docker Compose. Both docker and docker-compose must be executable by your normal user.


If you're not used to Docker, we recommend you to install FusionSuite the non-Docker way: the setup may look simpler, but Docker comes with its own difficulties.

Setup the backend

Clone the backend repository:

$ git clone
$ cd backend

Install the dependencies with:

$ make install DOCKER=true


This first command builds the Docker image for PHP, and so it can take some time to finish. Don't worry: once done, the image don't need to be rebuilt.


You can declare the DOCKER environment variable in your e.g. .bashrc file to not have to pass it to each command.

Start the Docker containers with:

$ make docker-start


This second command downloads the images for MariaDB and Nginx, which can also be long.

In a different console, setup your system with:

$ make setup DOCKER=true

The backend should now be accessible at localhost:8000.

You can check the database is correctly configured at localhost:8000/v1/status. If it’s correct, it will return the following Json:


Setup the frontend

Clone the frontend repository:

$ git clone
$ cd frontend

Install the dependencies with:

$ make install DOCKER=true


This command builds the Docker image for NodeJs. Same as before: it might be long, but it's only the first time.

Start the Docker container with:

$ make docker-start

When it's ready, the frontend should be accessible at localhost:4200.

If everything is fine, you should see a login form. The default credentials are: admin / admin.

Work in the Docker containers

In a Docker environment, you can't execute the commands directly (e.g. php, mariadb, npm…): you need to run them in the containers.

Hopefully, we provide some commands wrappers to facilitate your life. You'll find them under the docker/bin folders. You can use them as you would use the normal commands.

Backend repository:

$ ./docker/bin/php
$ ./docker/bin/cli
$ ./docker/bin/composer
$ ./docker/bin/mariadb

Frontend repository:

$ ./docker/bin/ng
$ ./docker/bin/npm
$ ./docker/bin/yarn