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Execution of the tests & linters


The backend test suite cannot be easily executed locally yet.


The issue is that we are testing the REST API at a specific address which cannot be configured yet. More information on Github: fusionSuite/FusionSuite#5.


There are two kind of tests for the frontend: unit tests and end-to-end tests.


Due to the complexity of the setup, none of these tests can be executed with Docker. You’ll have to install the frontend dependencies locally.

Unit tests

Unit tests are based on the default Angular testing setup.

To execute them:

$ make test

It will look for a Chrome binary. If you’ve installed Chrome in a specific location, or if you use Chromium, you may have to pass the CHROME_BIN environment variable:

$ make test CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/chromium-browser

End-to-end tests

End-to-end (e2e) tests are based on Cypress.


These tests are destructive. If you don’t want to lose your development data, you should consider to create a dedicated backend environment for your e2e tests. For instance with:

$ make setup ENV_NAME=e2e DB_NAME=fusionsuite_e2e

Obviously, you’ll have first to create the fusionsuite_e2e database before and give the correct permissions to the fusionsuite user.

To execute them:

$ make e2e-open

It will open a window to allow you to select a browser in which the tests will be executed. Once the brower is opened, just click on the spec file that you want to execute.

The tests need to communicate with the backend at the system level to reset the database before each test. Cypress expects to find the backend at ../backend. If you’ve placed the backend at a different location, you can pass the cypress_backend_path variable:

$ make e2e-open cypress_backend_path=../fusionsuite-backend/

You may also need to precise the backend URL with the cypress_backend_server (default is http://localhost:8000). For instance:

$ make e2e-open cypress_backend_server=http://localhost/backend


To execute the linters (backend or frontend), run the following command:

$ make lint

You also can automatically fix some problems raised by the linter with:

$ make lint-fix

Continuous Integration (CI)

All the test suites and linters are automatically executed when commits are pushed on the master branches and on pull requests.

You’ll have to make sure that all the checks are green before being able to merge on master.

You can find the history of CI at: